Don’t Throw Out Those Floppy Disks – Make Cool Art Instead

Sadly, everyone under the age of 20 is confused by the headline. Before there were DVDs and CDs, computers had these things called floppy disks. They stored virtually nothing in terms of today’s standards, and they took up a whack of space, and were often unreliable. But London artist Nick Gentry has taken floppy disks and made some really cool looking portraits from these relics (via Buzzfeed). I guess he could’ve used the 1000 disks I just threw out, eh? Check out a video of the magic below, and some pictures lifted from his Facebook page. Check out his Facebook page for more information and you can even “Like” him, which I’m sure will warm the cockles of his heart.

Floppy disk art 1 (via Nick Gentry)

Floppy disk art 2 (via Nick Gentry)

Floppy disk art 3 (via Nick Gentry)

Floppy disk art 4 (via Nick Gentry)

Floppy disk art 5 (via Nick Gentry)

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