Conan O’Brien Spoofs Apple’s iPhone 4S Siri Commercial

By now, you all know about Siri, Apple’s latest uselessiPhone invention. Siri is a virtual assistant for the new iPhone, and will send text messages, schedule appointments for you, pretty much do anything (except, you know, “that”). It uses voice detection technology with amazing accuracy, except when I note that I am selling sea shells by the sea shore at six. Apple has released a few TV spots for it, and the inevitable spoofs have shown up online. The latest spoof is done by Conan O’Brien, so you know it’s the best one out there without even watching it. But there’s no fun in NOT watching it, which is why I posted it. Warning: ‘might’ not be 100% suitable for work, depending where you work. You Conan O’Brien workers are probably okay to run it.

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