Category: Indie

Watch! Iko – Dazed and Confused

We pointed you towards Iko’s Kites track off of their Dazed and Confused EP. Their newest track, Dazed and Confused, is about to be featured tonight on Grey’s Anatomy, which is apparently still on the air. Hasn’t everyone slept with...

Watch! Sufjan Stevens – Silver and Gold

Admittedly, I’m a casual Sufjan Stevens fans. I love some songs, and others I think are full of too many ideas and do nothing for me, so I don’t post them. Today, Sufjan has a new video for his track,...

Watch! King Krule – Rock Bottom

We’ve featured talented London teen King Krule a couple of times. One of these tracks was Rock Bottom, which thankfully is not a No Doubt cover, and now has a video so you can settle your bet on whether or...

Watch! Eddi Front – Gigantic

Last week, we streamed Eddi Front’s debut EP, which you should be sure to check out. Now we have a video for the Eddi Front track, Gigantic, which features a gigantic shipwreck and one sad singer. The track features some...