Tuesday Trivia – Week 56

This is Week 56 of the PeteHatesMusic Tuesday Trivia, where we take an act you know, and see if you actually know them. Deep, I know.

If you’re looking for more exciting trivia why not try MORE – check out previous editions of Tuesday Trivia.

Note: All of the clues are on this first page, so scroll down slowly. The answer is on Page 2, so you can’t cheat.

Clue Number 1 (Correct answer worth 6 points)

I am from White Plains, New York, USA.

(write down or remember your answer, as it will be revealed on the next page)

Clue Number 2 (Correct answer now worth 5 points)

I am a songwriter and producer, who first released an album in 2003, and have contributed to over a dozen records, including several projects as a duo with other acts.

(keep reading for more clues)

Clue Number 3 (Correct answer now worth 4 points)

I first came to prominence when I mashed together The Black Album by Jay-Z and the White Album by the Beatles to make the Grey Album.

(scroll down if you need another clue)

Clue Number 4 (Correct answer now worth 3 points)

My stage name is taken from a cartoon character.

(more clues below)

Clue Number 5 (Correct answer now worth 2 points)

I really hit the mainstream with my collaboration with Cee Lo on Gnarls Barkley. I have also teamed up with James Mercer from the Shins to form Broken Bells, and worked with Damon Albarn on Gorillaz, and more recently produced a couple of albums for The Black Keys (who kindly thanked me first at the Grammys on Sunday)

(final clue is below – keep scrolling)

Clue Number 6 – Audio Clue (Correct answer now worth 1 point)

Listen to my song with Gnarls Barkley for Crazy

Crazy – Mystery band


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