Check Out the Inevitable Tupac + Star Wars Mashup. R2-D2 Projects Tupac’s Hologram

There’s been a lot of jokes made about the Tupac hologram that Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg brought out at Coachella this past Sunday night. People have said it looks like something out of Star Wars, and some people even commented that it was like a message that droid R2-D2 would have beamed out. Well, thanks to the magic skill of video editing, we can see what it would look like. Note that this isn’t approved by either Lucasfilm or Aftermath records, so it will likely end up being taken down, like those AT-AT walkers were on Hoth (Star Wars nerd joke!).

The video isn’t just a lazy projection of Tupac out of R2-D2; the editing actually makes the dialogue between the movie and what Tupac “said” look somewhat natural. It also means there is now a black person in Star Wars! Just kidding, I didn’t forget about you, Lando (you backstabbing bastard!).

Watch the video below, and careful for some colourful (NSFW) language.

(via Slash Gear)

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2 Responses

  1. Sethward says:

    Thanks for posting!!

  2. pete says:

    Thanks for making it – it was well done!