He Said, She Said: The Best Interview Lines on PeteHatesMusic in 2013

PeteHatesMusic had many interesting interviews this year – unfortunately none of the bands we talked to felt this way. After painfully revisting these interviews, we’ve highlighted the best bits. Check out last year’s best quotes, too.

Daughter copyright PeteHatesMusic and Martin Bazyl Photography
Below are some of the best lines from our interviews in 2013, from bands such as CHVRCHES, Daughter, Editors, Basia Bulat and Frightened Rabbit.

Lauren Mayberry and Martin Doherty (CHVRCHES) on the Band Recommendation ‘Daughter’:

Lauren: They seem very nice, also. Nice and talented. It’s pathetic (sarcasm).
Martin: Label mates, now.
Lauren: Yeah, but it doesn’t mean we know them. It would be lovely if I could ring them up ‘Hey, can you come ‘round for tea?’

Scott Hutchison (Frightened Rabbit) on drunkenly asking Andy Monaghan to join Frightened Rabbit: “I happened to be drunk that night, but it was an idea I’d had before. And hey, if you want to meet some dumbass drinkers, look no further than our Canadian buds Wintersleep!”

Austin Williams (Swim Deep) when asked if we can expect any 8 minute psychedelic jams on the debut album of Swim Deep: “You know what, those 8 minute psychedelic jams got cut down a bit. Maybe we’ll save that for the third album.”

Colin Louis Dieden (The Mowgli’s) when asked what made up fact they’d like on their Wikipedia page if they had one: “We prefer to not wear shoes and we don’t give a care that the apostrophe in our name is grammatically incorrect.”

Elena Tonra (Daughter) on lyrical and character writing style: “I think there’s a level of how much is events and how much is based on mood.”

Steven Garrigan (Kodaline) on what he hopes to get out of 2013: “To play to as many people as possible, that’s pretty much it. Well, also to write more and to buy a decent pair of gloves.”

Basia Bulat when asked if she learned any new outrageous and unique instruments for her new album: “There’s no such thing as an outrageous instrument!” Basia’s list of musical instruments that she plays includes the autoharp, charango, hammered dulcimer, and more common instruments like the ukulele, piano and guitar, to name a few.

Mark Smith (Explosions in the Sky) on the most outrageous or artistic description of their music that they’ve read: “I think the most artistic was expeditionary rock.”

Russell Leetch (Editors) on the cautions of taking apparently direct lyrics at face value: “Recently in Italy a journalist asked about a lyric from Sugar ‘you swallow me whole..’ and he took it as a direct interpretation for a blow job!”

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