This is Foresight: 12 Year Old Kid Talks to 32 Year Old Self

I’ve always thought time capsules were sort of a cool idea. The problem is that I always figured that I would remember what I put in there, as I would dwell on it for days, weeks, months. How could I possibly forget that I put my Barbie dolls in there? I also thought about sending an email to my future self, but I’ve delayed it for many years, and email won’t exist in 10 years anyway, right?

One kid who had a vision was Jeremiah McDonald – back in 1992. He was 12 then, and recorded – on video tape, for those who know what that is – a conversation for his future 32 year old self. Well, Jeremiah is now 32, and has uploaded a video of him in present day talking to himself when he was 12. The video is cleverly edited, and shows how much foresight that the 12 year old had, asking open ended questions and providing perfect statements to set up the 32 year old for responses. Check it out below, and feel inspired to bust out your camcorder iPhone to record a conversation for yourself.

(via Dvice)

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