A Marshall Amp Beer Fridge? I Want It, I Want It, I Want It!

I like beer (note: understatement of the decade). Since my “normal” fridge is filled with things like “fruits” and “vegetables” and severed heads, I have a beer fridge to store my copious amounts of beer. I might’ve purchased it too soon, as I have now discovered what every music fan needs in a beer fridge – a replica Marshall guitar amp beer fridge (via Gizmodo).

The fridge ain’t cheap – $300, but I figure if I write positively about it and don’t talk about how lame the chick sounds in the video propping up Marshall, maybe I could get a free one? You need a tried and tested beer drinker for the product review team, right? Check out the video below, and imagine it is stocked with something much better than Budweiser.

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2 Responses

  1. pete says:

    Thanks Michael. If you want someone to sample the product for free, I can gladly provide my shipping address :)