Friday Afternoon Funnies: Donald Trump Sucks at Password, Still Richer Than Jimmy Fallon

The TV game show Password recently had late night talk show host Jimmy Fallon paired with Teresa Guidice (who isn’t a man) from the Real Housewives of New Jersey versus real estate hair model Donald Trump and Twisted Sister singer Dee Snyder. The object of the game is to get your partner to guess the “password” using only 1 word clues. The teams go back and forth until it is guessed, with the points declining with each clue (JUST LIKE THE PETEHATESMUSIC TUESDAY TRIVIA!!!).

For those of you who somehow don’t know Donald Trump, he is a very rich man. He is a real estate mogul, and also has a hit TV show with The Apprentice / Celebrity Apprentice. One would think he must be a very smart man. When it comes to elementary word games, he is fuckin’ terrible. TERRIBLE! The idiot reality star on the opposing team somehow can guess the one-word answers much easier than The Donald can. It’s comical how terrible he is.

Check out the video of the Password clip below. Spoiler alert: Donald Trump does a terrible job.

(via Buzz Feed)

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