Category: Concert Reviews

Passion Pit - RBC Ottawa Bluesfest 2013

RBC Ottawa Bluesfest – Day 6 executive summary

Day 6 – Weezer Wednesday. Killer Mike: Sometimes, technical difficulties actually make a show amazing. This has happened twice in my life: Coldplay @ Bell Centre in Montreal (guitar broke – had to re-start their biggest hit twice) and yesterday...

Grace Potter & The Nocturnals Ottawa Bluesfest 2013

RBC Bluesfest – Day 5 executive summary

Day 5 – Neil Peart drum solo night. Grace Potter and the Nocturnals: On Friday, I mentioned that music ‘fans’ who categorically reject country music are more or less idiots. They just haven’t heard the right country music yet. Grace...

Wu Tang Clan

RBC Bluesfest – Day 4 executive summary

Sunday night @ottawabluesfest. Fun. headlining. The Joy Formidable: The show of the festival thus far. I liked this band before the day started, and now I love them. The Welsh threesome brought some serious power, noise, and beauty in a...

Frank Turner Performs at RBC Ottawa Bluesfest

RBC Bluesfest – Day 2 executive summary

Day 2. Friday night on Lebreton Flats. Camera Obscura: Holy crap – is this band good! Admittedly, I only caught 3 songs of this set to open the night – but they were all amazing – pitch perfect and surprisingly...