Morning Music Notes – New M.I.A. coming soon!
M.I.A. to release her new album in December:
It’s a Christmas MIRACLE! Yesterday, M.I.A. announced that new material will be released in December 2012. Not much is known about the new disc, but if you have any questions about it, M.I.A. will be answering a few questions on her Twitter account sometime later today!
No tracklist is set yet either:
Could be 5 it could be 15 depends on what sounds good in my bros CAR.
It really says a lot about an artist, when someone like M.I.A. can announce a release and nobody knows what it is going to sound like. Very cool.
Via Billboard…
Huge Charity Fest Scheduled for Central Park:
Neil Young, Foo Fighters, the Black Keys, Band of Horses and K’naan will all perform at The Global Festival, September 29th at Central Park – because if Hollywood has taught us anything, it’s that any global crisis reaches its apex in Manhattan.
This is a concert designed to bring awareness and raise funds for The Global Poverty Project – and will feature a pretty cool ticketing system. Because Central Park is a public place, all tickets must be free and awarded by lottery. So, in order to get into the lottery, one needs to download the Global Citizen app (sorry – not sure where to find this!) and participate in events from the events’ partners (Rotary International and UNICEF, for example).
Via Rolling Stone…
Want to buy coffee from your phone? Of Course you do – you’re addicted to caffeine!
That headline might be a bit loaded. For coffeecianados (a phrase I just coined), or phone-paymenteers (yep – coined that one too) this is a huge announcement: Starbucks has partnered with Square – Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey’s mobile payment company to take paying for your coffee to another level.
It will work much the same way that the current Starbucks app works – where the Stabucks barista scans a barcode with your phone to make the transaction, however Square has a few other interesting wrinkles that could come into play here – like GPS payment.
Via Digital Trends…
No Doubt Releases New Material, expensive remixes:
New material is coming soon from No Doubt – and it will feature remixes from some big names – including PHM favourite Major Lazer. Here’s the Major Lazer remix of upcoming No Doubt track Settle Down via Consequence of Sound.
Via Conequence of Sound…
Fifty Shades of Grey – The Album!
A collection of classical numbers selected by 50 Shades of Grey author E.L. James is coming out soon as a digital release. An interesting spin-off from the socially-acceptable-porno book sensation… but we were expecting a bit more wah guitar…
Via Billboard…