All Sorts of Awesome: Check out a North Korean Anthem – Onward Toward the Final Victory

As we found out at the end of 2011, North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il is not an immortal robot. After he died, he was replaced by the handsome devil of a dictator, Kim Jong Un. Every great leader needs a propaganda song, right? According to the Atlantic, Kim Jong Un’s is called Onward Toward the Final Victory, which sounds like his eating theme, too.

The song has apparently run repeatedly on North Korean state-run media outlets – not sure why everyone hasn’t picked this up. The song aims to reinforce the “positive” image of their fearless leader. The song has been translated by the Atlantic, and since my Korean is limited to, well, no words, I can’t confirm or deny their translation. I haven’t let that stop me from analysing the lyrics, however. I especially like the opening line, “By exploding the mental strength of the united heart of our million citizens.” Is that a translation error and it should exploiting? Actually, not sure if that is much better.

With regards to the line, “As our undefeated army boasts winning a hundred battles”, one wonders if they are told they are undefeated, and if this undefeated streak extents outside of training sessions and video games. Check out the video below, and the Atlantic’s translated lyrics below. Whose head is going to roll for releasing this video? Hopefully no one’s, since we now know about the songwriting and video making talent unavailable to us, locked away in North Korea.

Song: “Onward Toward the Final Victory”
노래 <최후의 승리를 향하여 앞으로>
Composer: Yoon Du Geun, Lyrics: Kim Moon Hyuk
작사 윤두근, 작곡 김문혁

By exploding the mental strength of the united heart of our million citizens
일심의 천만군민 정신력 폭발시켜
Joseon resounds the marching drums of the powerful, prosperous nation
조선은 강성국가 진군북 울려간다
Let’s go, Great Baekdu-mountain nation, by the calling of the political party
나가자 백두산대국아 당중앙 부름따라
Onward, onward to the final victory
최후의 승리를 향하여 앞으로 앞으로

As our undefeated army boasts winning a hundred battles
불패의 군력으로 백승을 떨쳐가며
Joseon is bolstered as the gun barrel of the powerful, prosperous nation
조선은 강성국가 총대로 떠받든다
Let’s go, Great Baekdu-mountain nation, Songun’s height of ensign
나가자 백두산대국아 선군의 기치높이
Onward, onward to the final victory
최후의 승리를 향하여 앞으로 앞으로

By raising the beacon of the new industrial revolution of the new century
새 세기 산업혁명 봉화를 추켜들고
Joseon is spreading the word of the rise of the powerful, prosperous nation
조선은 강성국가 기상을 떨쳐간다
Let’s go, Great Baekdu-mountain nation, embrace the blessing of the sun energy
나가자 백두산대국아 태양기 축복안고
Onward, onward to the final victory
최후의 승리를 향하여 앞으로 앞으로

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