Useful Beer Chilling Foam or Super Gimmicky Idea: Ichiban Shibori Frozen Draft
Beer, beer, beer, tiddly beer beer beer – that’s pretty much how my thought process goes throughout the course of an average day. My love of beer is documented throughout this site, which is not good if my parole officer is a regular reader. Pffft, regular reader – that’ll be the day. Japanese beer company, Kirin has come up with a frozen beer foam (-5 degrees Celsius / 23 degrees F) that tops off your beer to keep it ice cold (via Gizmodo). And who doesn’t like ice cold beer, especially if it’s served by the (former) Ice Cold Beer man at Toronto Blue Jay games?
The Ichiban Shibori Frozen Draft is essentially a floating, frozen cap for your beer, and keeps it cold up to 30 minutes. The frozen foam is also like a beer-flavoured ice cream topping, too. There is NO negative news in this article – why can’t the 6 o’clock news be this positive? Check out a video of the amazingness below.