Friday Afternoon Funnies: Rob Ford

I don’t think I can write much more about troubled Toronto mayor, Rob Ford. He has admitted to using crack cocaine “in one of his drunken stupors”, he has shown up in another video threatening to kill someone. His excuse for both occasions is that he was really drunk, which means it is now a valid excuse for any job, since the mayor of one of the largest North American cities can pass it off as a legitimate reason.

Rob Ford via CBC Screen cap
Jon Stewart, Howard Stern, and Stephen Colbert have been having a field day with Rob Ford. DJ Steve Porter noticed that Jay Z’s latest album has a track (with a slick beat) called Tom Ford. Toronto’s mayor is called Rob Ford. I KNOW WHAT I CAN DO. And DJ Steve Porter did it. Using the beat from Tom Ford and edited quotes from Rob Ford, we get a nice little mash up. Check it out below in our Friday Afternoon Funnies.

DJ Steve Porter – Rob Ford Crack Remix

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