Watch a Greenpeace Video Starring Jude Law’s Voice and Everything in Its Right Place by Radiohead

Thom Yorke from Radiohead is a known advocate of climate change and global warming, having gone to conferences and the like. He has even had lyrics in Radiohead songs that could be interpreted as climate warning lyrics (especially the “climate change is bad” lyric in the song “Global Warming is not a myth”). It should come as no surprise that Radiohead have allowed Greenpeace to use the song Everything in Its Right Place off of Kid A in their new video. The video also features voice work from Jude Law (who was deemed too ugly to star in the video). The video shows a polar bear walking around London, noting that we should save the Arctic. I thought the bear was in town for the Winter Olympics, not realizing London is hosting the Summer Olympics – embarrassing!

Thom Yorke tells NME “We have to stop the oil giants pushing into the Arctic. An oil spill in the Arctic would devastate this region of breathtaking beauty, while burning that oil will only add to the biggest problem we all face, climate change.”

Watch this video and help save the Arctic. Wait, maybe that Kony guy is hiding up there. BAM, 2 causes, 1 stone!

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