Don’t Wear These Headphones and Walk Down the Street: OneSense Isolating Headphones

I used to pop a Beatles album into my Discman, close my eyes, lay in my bed, and drift into sleep while daydreaming and listening to the amazingness that is the Beatles. Now, it’s all about the iPhone, and if I’m not at home, I’m on the Tube or walking somewhere, trying to listen to new albums over the noise that is “the world”. OneSense wants to change this, and force you (nicely) to block out all of the madness and just focus on the tunes.

The OneSense headphones were designed by Joe Doucet, and look like a futuristic, Total Recall or Matrix-esque design, complete with spikes! These wraparound headphones go around the front of your face, covering your eyes, and making you truly focus on what you’re listening to. As the subject line says, do NOT walk down the street with these puppies on.

Onesense headphones (via Kendal Mills and Joe Doucet Studio)

Why are they red and spiky? Is it a defense mechanism for mean people who poke you in the eyes? No, because red is supposedly the colour that is a natural symbol for “warning and defense, to alert others not to intrude.” Unfortunately, this product is make believe (just like love), and will be on display at Meet My Project in Milan later in April. Perhaps someone will be inspired to make these? Or maybe we can just close our eyes like we did before the world got super busy.

(via Dvice)

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