Morning Music Notes – The Wall Immortalized by Apple
Full Flex Express Tour to Return in 2013
Skrillex launched his Full Flex Express train tour this year – PeteHatesMusic caught the Ottawa stop for the tour, and it was g-o-o-d. Great news for Skrillex fans and train enthusiasts – Skrillex has now announced his Full Flex Express will return in 2013
(via Consequence of Sound).
The venues aren’t yet known, but the cities and dates are. Winnipeg in the winter?! Tickets go on sale Friday.
Full Flex Express Tour 2013
July 12/13 – Montreal, QC @ TBA
July 13/13 – Toronto, ON @ TBA
July 17/13 – Winnipeg, MB @ TBA
July 19/13 – Calgary, AB @ TBA
July 21/13 – Vancouver, BC @ TBA
The Black Keys Release Live EP
The Black Keys have taken the world by storm, headlining many festivals and playing long, gruelling tours. They have also released albums with little downtime between albums. To show you they are hardcore mofos, they have a Live EP they are now releasing (via Consequence of Sound).
Called The Tour Rehearsal Tapes EP, we get six tracks of useless jam sessions the band playing live in the studio back in December 2011 (I remember those days!). Check out the tracklisting below, which doesn’t feature any new songs, and grab it on iTunes now.
The Black Keys – Tour Rehearsal Tapes EP Tracklist
1. Dead and Gone
2. Gold on the Ceiling
3. Lonely Boy
4. Next Girl
5. Run Right Back
6. Tighten Up
How Cool is This: Apple Maps Shows Roger Waters Building His ‘Wall’ in Boston
Apple Maps might be generally good for nothing, but at least one cool thing has come from it. A screen shot of Fenway Park in Boston has shown “The Wall” being built for Rogers Waters’ recent tour (via Spinner).
Nothing else scandalous to report unfortunately. And please ignore the image of me on there – I swear she’s 16. Oh, the legal age is 18?! She’s 18 then!
A Pink Floyd fan site, Brain Damage, notes that the new Apple map app shows The Wall stage set up in the final stages of building at Fenway Park in Boston.
Waters played there July 1, so the pic is likely from the end of June. Yup, I know how to use a calendar. And screen shots (87% battery life – how interesting, Pete!).
Twitter Might Get Rid of Third Party Video Services
Twitter has been kicking out third party services of late. The latest service to possibly fall victim to this could be video services, such as yFrog and Twitvid (via Digital Trends).
Twitter recently made no friends by placing restrictions on its API. First it was images and soon it will be videos. Twitter say this is for the sake of consistency for their users, but I think other rea$on$.
Stream! Ben Gibbard – Former Lives (entire album)
Death Cab for Cutie singer Ben Gibbard has dropped a few tracks from his solo record – Something’s Rattling (Cowpoke) and Teardrop Window (which sounds like a cool architectural feature). You can now hear all 12 songs off of Former Lives, the first solo project from Ben.
Ben Gibbard – Former Lives (entire album)