Stream! How to destroy angels_ – Welcome oblivion (entire album)

The new album from Trent Reznor’s How to destroy angels_ project just released their debut album this week. We’ve posted a few of their videos, and if you’re a loyal fan, you probably downloaded bought the album already. BUT – if you haven’t, you can stream the whole thing right here.

How to destroy angels Welcome oblivion

It’s lazy writing to say that the band sounds like “Nine Inch Nails sung by a woman”, but that’s how a lot of tracks come off after a first listen. Now, this is not a bad thing by any means. Give the whole thing a listen below and tweet us your thoughts @PeteHatesMusic.

The band even did an AMA on Reddit with all four band members – Mariqueen Maandig, Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross, and Rob Sheridan. They even touched on my above comment, when asked if all the NIN talk bothers them.

Rob: “It’s not something that really annoys us – it’s fairly inevitable. I do find it funny that the NIN fans who don’t like HTDA equally cite that it either is too much like NIN or not enough like NIN. What’s weird to me is that these people focus so much on the comparison one way or another, and aren’t able to just judge HTDA on its own. Do you think it’s not enough like NIN? That’s why it’s called something different. Do you think it’s too much like NIN? The band is made up of Trent, two guys he’s been working closely with for 10+ years, and his wife – of COURSE it’s going to have similarities.”


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