Friday Afternoon Funnies: How Not to Carry an iMac

There’s something about candid camera pranks that resonates so well with people. It’s the self-wondering of “How would I act in that situation” that appeals to some people, while we laugh uncontrollably at the idiots on the TV or Internet that could have very well been us. The latest prank comes from the modestly named AwesomenessTV, who posted such a prank a few weeks ago (via iPhone in Canada).

A lot of people wouldn’t mind having an Apple computer, such as a Macbook or iMac, but they are so bloody expensive. So when you see someone with one, your first thought might be he’s rich, shortly followed by “Let’s rob him!” But what if this person, with their newly purchased iMac, was a bit of a klutz and happened to drop it – a LOT. Well, you’d probably feel really sorry for the guy. Check out some of the funny responses below, and wait for the hilarious end result at the Apple store. Enjoy this week’s Friday Afternoon Funnies, and enjoy your long weekend (if you get one), assuming you haven’t left your place of work just yet.

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