You’ll “Like” This Facebook Oven Mitt

Maybe I’m shopping in the wrong places, but it seems that here in the UK, you can’t buy a pair of oven mitts that aren’t attached by some string unless you buy two separate oven mitts. Why are they attached – I like the freedom of my hands to grab the parts of the tray that might be further apart than your stupid string allows. Unrelated rant aside, there is a new oven mitt (that is likely not Mark Zuckerberg approved) – it resembles the “Like” symbol from Facebook (via Gizmodo).

Facebook Like (via

Where is the comment section?

This can lead to all sorts of horribly lame puns that you and your friends can make while cooking, such as “I Like this oven mitt”, “I hope I Like this meal”, and “I hate you, let’s end our relationship on Facebook.” The mitt will set you back $19, and you can get it from Yeople (before Facebook sues the crap out of them, which they won’t like).

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