Smart Clothes Hangers Tell You How Many Facebook Likes the Product Has

I refuse to stop wearing my MC Hammer lookalike wardrobe. I figure like music, since clothing is cyclical, the baggy Hammer pants will eventually be back in style – then I’ll be the one laughing at you. But in case you have different ideas of what’s popular, here is an innovative idea for social media and clothes stores. Brazilian clothing store, C&A, use intelligent hangers that show you the number of Facebook Likes each clothing article has on their Facebook page (via Technabob). The question is, do you want a shirt that no one likes on Facebook but you genuinely like, or do you want a shirt that 10,000 people like on Facebook? Wait, what the hell is Facebook?

facebook hangers (via C&A)

I thought the number was the price....

Check out a (non-English) video of the process at work. Clothing rivals, you know what to do – hijack the hell out of their Facebook page!

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