Happy 6th Birthday, Twitter! Don’t Worry, I’ll Tweet It, Too

6 years ago, tweeting, re-tweeting, and hashtags were all gibberish. To people over 50, they still are. March 21, 2006 is when founder Jack Dorsey sent off the first tweet on what was then called Twttr. Now, there are 140 million users on Twitter, with 340 million tweets each day (I have a few too many people that I follow who are contributing a large percentage to that 340 million). It was only a year ago that there were 140 million tweets a day – a massive increase.

Speaking of Twitter, are you following us on Twitter? You should! Our historic first tweet:

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1 Response

  1. 2012/03/23

    […] you might have read about on PHM (and NOWHERE else), Twitter turned 6 on Wednesday. Jimmy Kimmel notes that Twitter is great for […]