iPhone Case Opens Beers AND Tracks How Much You Drink – I’m Doomed

PeteHatesMusic loves beer. We also love integrating things such as our iPhone to open our beers, which is why the Open Case iPhone case was cool, as was the Siri-controlled Beeri remote control car (although not entirely practical). Now there’s Intoxicase, which continues in the clever beer-related iPhone case names.

This case opens beers – pfft, been there, done that. But, there is also an Intoxicase app, which keeps track of how many bottles you’ve opened, scaring alcoholics like me everywhere. Additionally, the app can call you a cab, but it’s not clear if it will translate your drunken slurred speech as well. Cool other features: the app will play a song whenever you open a beer, so you can set up triumph music, or a depressing song if you’re drowning out your sorrows – which is why we drink, right? And lastly, the app can post these stats to your Facebook or Twitter pages, which is a terrible idea now that my Dad is my Facebook friend. 2 words: limited profile.

Intoxicase (via Intoxicase)

Head on over to the Intoxicase website, to buy the standard version for $35 USD or the “Plus” version, which is on pre-order sale for $35, usually $45. Or save your money and get a note pad and pen and keep track the old fashioned way. “What’s a pen, Dad?”

(via Technabob)

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1 Response

  1. 2012/04/27

    […] you aren’t hip to having an iPhone case that can open beers for you AND keeps track of how many dozen you’ve killed yourself with, you might like another […]